History Curriculum Overview
Through studying history and the journey to modern Britain, our students will become enlightened citizens of the society in which they live.
Learning Journey
Knowledge Organiser
American West
Anglo-Saxons & Normans
Anglo-Saxons & Normans
Weimar & Nazis
- 1a Timeline
- 1b Key people
- 1c Key terms
- 1d The Origin of the Republic 1918-1919
- 1e Problems of the Republic 1919 - 1923
- 1f Recovery of the Republic 1924 - 1929
- 1f Rise of hitler 1920 - 1929
- 1g Rise of hitler 1929 - 1933
- 1h Control and dictatorship 1933-1939
- 1i Life without opposition 1933-1939
- 1j Life in Nazi Germany 1933-1939
- 1k Winners and losers 1933-1939